Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Ide Nakal, Buat Pasangan Anda Terkapar Di Ranjang

Multi orgasme ternyata bukan hanya punya wanita aja lo,pria juga bisa,asal tau cara dan mau berlatih, bagi anda para istri yang ingin suaminya mendapatkan kepuasan seks yang lain dari pada biasanya maka syarat pertama siapkan mental anda untuk meluangkan waktu guna melakukan latihan untuk suami anda, ok langsung saja saya akan berikan contohnya.

langkah pertama.

atur tempat tidur anda supaya rapi, wangi, dan nyalakan lilin,hal ini bertujuan jika anda hendak melakukan tarian di tempat tidur atau striptise anda tidak akan malu,

langkah kedua

gunakan lingerie atau apa saya yang membuat rangsangan visual

langkah ketiga

ikat kedua tangan serta kaki suami anda, lalu ikatan tangan ikatkan ke tempat tidur

Langkah Keempat

lakukan rangsangan dengan lembut, mulai dari leher kemudian putingnya lalu bermainlah di area pusar dengan jari maupun lidah anda,setelah itu turun ke bawah diarea sekita mr p, jangan sentuh mr p nya terlebih dahulu, terakhir lakukan rangsangan di jari kaki nya dengan mulut anda, percayalah suami anda akan merintih minta ampun, jika dia sudah benar2 menyerah lakukan rangsangan di mr P.

Langkah Lima.
lakukan rangsangan di mr p dengan pijatan melingkar dari dasar tongkat sampai ujung sebelum bagian palling ujung beberapa kali,setelah itu pijat melingkar ujung mr P, nya,jika masih kuat atau dia belum menyerah maka mainkan bolanya dengan pijatan ringan,gunakan kelihaian jari2, sampai dia menyerah,

Langkah 6
hentikan serangan jika dia hampir ejakulasi,lalu lakukan serangan lagi 2 sampai tiga kali,setelah itu,terserah anda.

langkah tersebut adalah salah satu detail untuk melatih pria mendapatkan multi orgasme. ketika menahan ejakulasi bisa juga dengan mengencangkan otot PC atau menarik penis. ok demikian semoga dapat menjadi inspirasi buat para istri.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Organic Agriculture Systems

Benefits and Weaknesses of Organic Agriculture Systems

Currently, organic farming is a good option for farmers who want to conduct sustainable agriculture and for people who want to apply a healthy life.

Understanding Organic farming is a holistic system of agricultural production and integrated, which optimize health and productivity of agro-ecosystem naturally, so it can produce enough food and fiber, quality, and sustainable. In practice, organic farming is done by, among others:

1. Avoid the use of seed / seedlings genetically modified (GMO = genetically modified organism)

2. Avoid the use of synthetic chemical pesticides.Control weeds, pests and diseases were done by mechanical, biological, and crop rotation.

3. Avoid the use of growth regulators and synthetic chemical fertilizers. Soil fertility and productivity enhanced and maintained by adding crop residues, animal manure, and natural mineral rocks, and planting of legumes and crop rotations.

4. Avoid the use of growth hormone and synthetic additives in animal feed.

There are a number of barriers and benefits of organic agriculture in general.

Constraints of organic agriculture are:

1. Organic fertilizers are used as fertilizer in some countries complement, in addition to chemical fertilizers, because of the production target.Many farmers believe that organic fertilizers can not meet the nutritional needs of plants and have a slower response. Actually, there are reports from America, which the effect of organic manure at 14 tons a year per unit area during the eight years will still be there even after 40 years of the last fertilizer application.

2. Biological pest control is still deemed costly and less effective for farmers generally.

3. Organic farming region that is not isolated by conventional agriculture, organic farming makes more vulnerable to pests.

4. The production is still below the results of conventional farming.

5. Organic agricultural products are still considered expensive.

6. The farmers are reluctant to use organic fertilizers as a whole because it causes a lot of compost to grow weeds.

Benefits of organic farming include:

1. Improve plant resistance against pest attack a number.
2. Increasing the activity of antagonistic microorganisms that can help improve soil fertility.
3. Prevent erosion.
4. Improve the taste of agricultural products.
5. Improving the nutrition content.
6. Improving the texture of the fruit.
7. Increasing storage time.

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Solution of Broken Toilet

Solution of Broken Toilet

I do not intend to compete with businesses suction septic tank.just want to share a simple experience to overcome the problems that sometimes occur in your home toilet.

Usually, the toilet will fill up quickly septic tank jib no problems with microbial if the sum is greater than the addition of fecal droppings microbe. Will be difficult to flush toilets and the smell will spread everywhere.

Inhibition of microbial growth could be due to decomposition of many things. For example, the food we eat less fertilizing materials containing microbes. Or any family member who consume high doses of antibiotics and the long term.

These types of drugs not only kill microbes in the body. Time is wasted with feces; antibiotics will also inhibit the growth of microbes in spitting. Microbial growth will also be hampered when the rest of the laundry soap water discharged into the whole toilet.

There are simple ways to overcome. Take 2-3 raw eggs and then break and throw into the toilet, then flush. And then wait 2-3 days to see his reaction. Inside the septic tank, the eggs will invite maggots and microbes degrading life.They will spend our dirt. But if a week is still clogged toilet, we may suspect the problem is not on the microbial. About this please contact the handyman you suck toilet.